Group "Additive Manufacturing of Metal"
The research group "Additive Manufacturing of Metals" is dedicated to the development of new materials for additive manufacturing (AM). The high geometric flexibility in the production combined with novel material concepts enables a range of innovative applications in various industries, e.g., turbomachinery, aerospace, energy production and medical technology. New alloys and compounds, such as ODS materials, eutectic alloys or multi-material composites, enable the targeted and also local optimization of component properties. Material-adapted exposure strategies, temperature control and sophisticated materials engineering allow defects to be minimized, component performance to be improved and non-weldable alloys to be processed. The group's research encompasses the development of current and future structural materials with outstanding high-temperature, mechanical, chemical or magnetic properties, while working to improve the environmental performance of the entire process chain. Powder production, component design, and both electron beam and laser-based manufacturing processes and machines are continuously developed and researched by our experts in the fields of materials science, mechanical engineering and physics to deepen the understanding of interactions and correlations in the process-material property systems.
Group members
Group leader
Dr.-Ing. Rittinghaus, Silja-Katharina
PhD candidates
Goßling, Mareen
Shokri, Hamed
Dr. Zhirnov, Ivan
Laboratory Engineer
Dr.-Ing. Erdmann, Ingo
Bachelor and Master Candidates
Behrens, Daniel
Korthaus, Nikolas
Vehrs, Jan Hendrik
Student Research Assistant
Behrens, Daniel
Dell´Anno, Johanna
Rosen, Jonas
Former Assistants and Candidates
Aksoy, Adem
Borchert, Daniel
Makonin, Eduard (ext.)
Richter, Jasper